Jung-Chun Liu 劉容均
PhD student
at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
About Me
I am a first-year CSE PhD student at the University of Michigan advised by Joyce Chai. I was a visiting student at MIT's Computational Cognitive Science Lab working with Jiayuan Mao.
Previously, I was a research assistant with Professor Shao-Hua Sun at NTU Robot Learning Lab. I received my M.S. degree from National Taiwan University, where I was advised by Professor Tian-Li Yu at Taiwan Evolutionary Intelligence Laboratory. I received my B.S. degree with double majors in Electrical Engineering and Psychology from National Taiwan University in 2021.
My curiosity centers on social and physical reasoning, and how humans solve problems with these abilities in the real world. I am also interested in developing dual process theory and neuro-symbolic systems in both machines and the human mind.